The wildlife in the Yukon and NWT seems to grow large and plentiful. The chances of not seeing some large animals is slim to none if your travelling these remote gravel roads. We urge you to use caution and use common sense.
Not a common sight, this polar bear is on the Dempster Highway approximatley 100 km's south of Innuvik
Wildlife is abundant in the provinces of the Yukon and the Northwest Territories. Bears, sheep, goats, caribou, moose, wolves and bison are all found in abundance. Special care should be given for wildlife on the roads and when camping or stopping. Everywhere in Canada you should be careful when storing or cooking food, nowhere is this more important perhaps than in the northwest. Many folks have commented after a trip up the northern roads that actually stopped counting bears. Of course there are many other specieis of animals to be encountered in this area of Canada. The government in Canada provides a free downloadable guide to viewing wildlife in the Yukon, probably worth your time to have a look at it.
Black bear heading down the Dempster
Moose on the Dempster Highway
This Lynx was photographed on the Canol Road
A big bad Grizzly on the Dempster
Grizzlies on the Canol Road
Bison are a common site along the highways and present an unmoveable obstacle, due care should be taken particularily at night.
Photos above and below by: Mike Stahl